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Our Daily Routine


We open from 7.45 a.m. and offer a breakfast provision if required.


8.45a.m. to 9.00a.m., the main morning session begins. Parents/carers sign a daily register and children self-register by placing their name tag on their our registration board.


9.00a.m. Circle time - staff encourage children to share their news and experiences, which supports children’s communication skills and self-esteem. Staff talk about the day’s planned activities. The 2 to 3 year olds and 3 to 4 year olds then move to their own short adult led group activity. The older children use a visual planning board to plan some of their activities.


9.15 a.m. (approx.) Main activities

Children choose activities and free flow their play between the inside and outside areas.  Children are encouraged to go outside in all weathers, wellington boots and a waterproof coat are essential. The café is open throughout the morning and afternoon. Milk, water, fruit and a range of healthy snacks are available daily.


11.30 a.m. approx.

The session ends with a large group time to reflect on the sessions activities, join in a group story, music activity and large interactive games. Our 2 to 3 year olds will have their own story time in the book corner.


12:00p.m. End of session.  Please collect children promptly.


Lunch Club  12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m

Staff and children sit together in a family group at lunch time. Parents provide a packed lunch which is refrigerated during the morning session. Please label food containers clearly. To promote healthy eating please do not put sweets, fizzy drinks or chocolate and chocolate covered snacks in children’s lunch boxes. Milk and water is provided. To minimise the risk of food related allergic reactions we do not let children share food and nuts or nut products are not permitted in packed lunches. After lunch, staff will support children in their choice of activity.


Afternoon session  1.00-3.30 p.m. 

The afternoon session mirrors the format of the morning session. 

1:00p.m. – 1:10p.m.        Welcome circle and small group planning time.

1:10-3:00p.m.                Main Activity time   (as morning)

3:00p.m.                        Large Group time   Group games, story and review activities

3.30p.m.                       End of session

3.30 to 4.30                 Wrap round care including snack.

N.B.  Late collection of children will be charged at the hourly rate. 

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