Fees are £5.00 per hour payable in advance. Fees are reviewed annually in September by the pre-school management committee.
We accept Childcare voucher schemes including HMRC tax free childcare scheme, please let management know which scheme you wish to use.
Fees are not refundable for non attendance of booked sessions, emergency closure or closure due to extreme weather conditions.
You will be asked to sign a Fee agreement when registering your child with us.
There are two days in the pre-school calendar that all children are expected to attend and for which you will be charged :
1. Christmas Party (December)
2. Leaver’s Picnic (July)
Your child will be eligible for Nursery funding from the term after their third birthday of up to 15 hours per week (570 hrs per year). There is an additional 570 hours available to parents who are registered with HMRC and who meet the appropriate eligibility criteria. For more information, please see
We are also registered to take funded 2 year olds.