A full list of our policies are available from the Preschool.
The School day
Breakfast club 7.45a.m to 8.45a.m
Morning session begins at 8.45/ 9.00am.
Children need to be signed in by an adult who has legal responsibility or has been nominated by that adult.
In the summer we ask that children arrive with sun cream already applied. Staff will reapply after lunch.
There is off street parking next to the church and a safe route to pre-school through the church grounds and down the lane at the side of Chewton Mendip school. Our front gate is at the front of the school just past the school reception. Please do not use the Waldergrave Arms for lunch time pick up or drop off.
Café table
We provide milk, water, a range of snacks and fruit throughout the day. We provide for all dietary and cultural preferences.
Children follow good hygiene routines, eat healthily and have free access to the cafe area throughout the day.
Children bring a packed lunch which is refrigerated. Please name all food containers. Milk and water are provided. To promote healthy eating we do not allow sweets, fizzy drinks or chocolate and chocolate covered snacks in children’s lunch boxes. To minimise the risk of food related allergic reactions we do not let children share food and nuts or nut products are not permitted on site.
Settling children into pre-school
Saying goodbye can be stressful for children and parents. Becoming confident and settled will be a different journey for each child. Parents are welcome to help to settle children. A key person is allocated to each child to support their separation from parents and form secure attachments at pre-school. All children differ and some need more reassurance than others. We allocate a minimum of two sessions for 2 to 3 year olds and on a full nursery entitlement basis for 3 to 4 year olds.
Children are encouraged to actively explore resources and express themselves freely. We provide aprons but recommend comfortable clothing that is suitable for messy play. The paint and glue we use is non-toxic but may stain clothing. Children have their own box for spare clothes, nappies etc.
Please check regularly and clearly label all clothing including coats and wellington boots. Children are encouraged to be independent when dressing and undressing. Shoes and clothing that are easy to put on independently are recommended.
In the summer we ask that children arrive with an all day sun cream already applied.
A waterproof coat is required throughout the year and gloves and warm hat in the colder months would be useful.
A full set of spare clothes is required be kept at preschool so children can get changed after water play and any toileting issues.
For children in nappies please provide nappies and wipes that will be kept in their own drawer.
Children need sensible footwear, please no "croc" type shoes as they have caused accidents in the past. If raining and your child arrives in wellingtons please bring some inside shoes to change into.
Uncollected Children
If a child is uncollected staff will make all efforts to contact parents or their designated emergency contact. Social services will be informed and asked for guidance after half an hour if no contact can be made. Children will always be reassured and a minimum of 2 staff will remain with them at all times.
All precautions are taken to stop the spread of infectious diseases.
Children must not attend pre-school if they are unwell or have a raised temperature. Children should not attend after being given any medicines that masks an illness or raised temperature.
They should not attend for at least 48 hours after the last bout of diarrhoea or vomiting. A more comprehensive list of infectious diseases and recommended absence is displayed on our notice board.
You will be contacted if your child becomes unwell and asked to collect them as soon as possible. Staff are only allowed to administered medicines that are prescribed specifically for your child accompanied by a supporting letter from your doctor.