Outstanding again
We are very proud to announce that Ofsted has rated us as ‘Outstanding’ in our recent inspection. We were judged to be outstanding in all areas with the inspector looked closely at our quality of teaching, our environment, children’s personal and social development, safeguarding and Leadership and management.
We now have the impressive record of attaining the highest Ofsted judgements since we opened in 2005 and before that from the very first Ofsted inspections when Red Room Pre-school was based in Ston Easton.
Ofsted found “children to be exceptionally motivated to explore and investigate”, and that “Children’s behaviour and manners are impeccable. They show continuous care and thoughtfulness for all their friends and have strong relationships with each other”. It highlights our children’s independence and sense of responsibility to look after the environment and resources.
Ofsted also praised our children’s literacy and mathematical development. , “Children have a love of literacy” with “Older children show highly impressive literacy skills for their age” and “Staff develop children’s mathematical development superbly well”, which is “weaved into all parts of the pre-school routine”.
We currently have places for 3 and 2 year olds with up to 29 hours per week funding for eligible 3 year olds and 14.5 hours per week for eligible 2 year olds available.
Contact Elaine Blackmore on 01761240700 for more information
The full report can be found on www.ofsted.gov.uk.
The Red Room Pre-school was started in 1991 by a group of parents from Ston Easton. It began in the Village Hall with 12 children, donated equipment and volunteer staff. We have always had highly qualified child care professionals and have consistently gained the highest outcomes in Ofsted inspections, most recently renewing our rating as "Outstanding" in December 2015.
The Red Room Annex works closely with Chewton Mendip Primary School and other primary schools to ensure smooth transitions into reception class.
We are committed to treating all our children, families and community members with equal concern and respect and aim to make our pre-school accessible to all children and families in our local community.
We value and celebrate all our families’ diverse backgrounds, religious and cultural beliefs. Our displays and activities are free from stereotypes associated with gender, race or disability and value each child’s contribution.
We aim to promote inclusion by treating each child as an individual and being committed to supporting children’s individual needs.
Full details of the Pre-school Policies are available to all parents in the setting.